• Hi! I'm Tony. I'm a Softare Developer (Javascript/HTML/CSS, Express, Svelte, React, etc). I like working with fun people on fun projects.
  • I also did 25 years with Intel (Troubleshoot/Repair/Maintenance of mechanical, electrical, pneumatic, electronics, motion control, chemical delivery/plumbing, networking, etc systems on Reflexion, Reflexion LK 2.0 and Reflexion LK Prime gen 3 and 4 tools.) in the fab over the years. I picked up a culture of safety, quality, engineering empathy, and a love of well written documentation while I was there.
  • I'm also a parent to two strong, smart, and thoroughly awesome daughters.
  • I'm disgustingly handy. I can fix just about anything thanks to years of troubleshooting and fixing machines at Intel and half an electrical engineering degree, as well as years of building projects.
  • I consider myself a Maker. I've built Tiny Houses, made CNC (3D cutting) machines, once co-ran a small business making cigar box guitars, done some basic forging, some knife making, I sew my own clothes, and always have a new project going that I suck at. One MUST fail to learn new things! My current Thing is primitive pottery.
  • Hmm... I also live in an intentional community, play a few instruments badly, have used Linux exclusively for 20+ years(general usage and system admin, plus 10 years volunteer work teaching the command line), suck at gardening, and love to read absolute trash fiction novels.
  • I like being easy going, no worries, no hurries, hakuna matata. Ego sucks. I'm just a human, doing the best I can, trying to improve myself. People deserve respect and patience. Everyone's going through Stuff.